How to Identify your Money Scripts and Improve your Relationship with Money with Derek

In today’s episode, we will speak to my friend Derek from Money Health Solutions.

He is a financial therapist helping his clients to identify their financial beliefs (also called “money scripts”) and to improve their relationship with money. You might probably wonder what a financial therapist is and what those money scripts are about.
If you are a regular listener to the show, you will remember that getting the right money mindset is an essential first step to get your finances in order. Something that can for example stand in the way of getting the right mindset could be the negative financial beliefs you have developed throughout childhood.

Derek will explain what his profession consists of and then we will discuss more in detail how we can identify our own money behaviors (negative or positive)  and how we can start rewriting our scripts and improving our relationship with money. … More How to Identify your Money Scripts and Improve your Relationship with Money with Derek

Discovering my own money story – An honest interview with a Money coach

In this interview, we talk about my money story, how I viewed money as a kid and how that relationship with money evolved over time. In short, it goes from wanting riches and status, including a Porsche 911 to focus on a more Minimalistic lifestyle and happiness. … More Discovering my own money story – An honest interview with a Money coach