How to Make The Best Out of Your Career and Thrive in your 9-5 Job with Chris

How to Leverage Your Financial Habits in a 9-5 Career Path

In today’s episode, we will speak to my friend Chris, from Saturday Financial.

A popular topic on many blogs and podcasts (and here as well) are the stories of how people quit their jobs to become entrepreneurs or even retire in some cases.

Now, I also think that it is possible to enjoy a fulfilling career in a traditional 9-5 job and to me, entrepreneurship is not for everyone neither. As I reached out on social media to find someone that agreed with that view, I met my new friend Chris who was willing to share how he is thriving in his current role and how managing his finances has been key during his career.

bored at work lady 9-5
Time for a change?


Chris will share his career path with us going from a job he hated to the current role he is passionate about and he will also provide us with excellent advice on making the best out of our professional careers.

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This episode is for you if you are thinking about your next career move and/or if you wonder if the solution to a more fulfilling path is entrepreneurship.

Key Takeaways:

  • You can leverage good financial habits like tracking expenses, saving, and investing your money while you are in your 9-5. The path to financial independence could be slower than if you are running your own company but it is as well about enjoying the journey.
    • Pay attention to your money, this will help you to win half the battle already.
    • Leverage the little financial freedom you have to live the life you want today.
    • Build a solid emergency fund, increase your net worth so you are prepared for any unforeseen situation.
  • Whatever the role or seniority in your company you have influence over the people around you with your approach and your attitude. Be ready to serve and influence positively. Ask yourself: What can I do with my influence to make my work better?
  • Own the situation you are in: Learn what you can, take the lessons of your current job, go in every day to do the best job you can but keep your eyes open for other opportunities. Look for a better opportunity, not only to escape a difficult situation.
  • Building skills can serve as an insurance policy if things go south in your current role, by building additional skills you can continue to contribute to society by providing value to people.
  • Be honest with yourself: Some people are a better fit for entrepreneurship and for others, a 9-5 job is the better fit, there is no right or wrong.

Who is Chris?

Chris is an HR Professional and Personal Finance Consultant. His passion is helping people master good financial habits so they can pursue purposeful work. You can find him on Twitter and at

Chris Saturday Financial


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